Wake Up, Girls! ねんどろいど 島田真夢 (ノンスケール ABS&ATBC-PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア)

Wake Up, Girls! ねんどろいど 島田真夢 (ノンスケール ABS&ATBC-PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア)


Product Description


Anime Wake Up, Girls! From the idol group "Wake Up, Girls! Masumi Shimada has become a Nendoroid form. Introducing the stage costume when you showcase the 7 girls war, the last time live and opening song. In addition to facial expression parts such as the "smikoniko" and "singing face" inspired by live scenes, it also comes with a wide variety of interchangeable parts to recreate a variety of dance scenes.

(From Amazon.co.jp)

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